34 Orange Brick House Ideas

After a long day, you come home to your orange brick house. It’s sturdy and classic, but you know it has the potential for so much more. You’re ready to give it a fresh look that reflects your personality and enhances its charm.

Whether you’re aiming to boost curb appeal or create a welcoming outdoor space, these 34 orange brick house ideas will help you transform your home into something truly special.

Tips to Decorate an Orange-Brick House

Decorating an orange brick house can be a delightful challenge that allows you to highlight its unique character while adding personal touches. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your orange brick home:

1. Embrace Contrast and Complementary Colors

Choose colors that contrast with the warm tones of the orange brick. Deep blues, greens, and even blacks can create striking accents. Painting your front door, shutters, or window frames in these shades can add a modern touch while complementing the brick’s natural warmth.

2. Add Greenery

Plants can soften the sturdy appearance of brick. Consider adding window boxes with bright flowers, climbing vines, or potted plants on your porch. Lush greenery not only enhances the visual appeal but also creates a welcoming atmosphere.

3. Incorporate Wood Elements

Wooden elements blend seamlessly with orange brick, adding warmth and texture. Think about adding wooden shutters, a wooden front door, or even wooden furniture on your porch or patio. The natural tones of wood enhance the rustic charm of brick.

4. Use Outdoor Lighting

Strategic lighting can highlight the beauty of your brick exterior. Install wall-mounted lanterns, string lights, or pathway lights to illuminate your home’s facade. Lighting adds safety and a cozy ambiance during the evenings.

5. Create a Cozy Outdoor Space

If you have a porch or patio, turn it into a cozy outdoor living area. Comfortable seating, colorful cushions, and outdoor rugs can make the space inviting. Adding a fire pit or outdoor fireplace can extend the usability of this area into cooler seasons.

6. Pay Attention to Landscaping

Thoughtful landscaping can dramatically enhance your home’s curb appeal. Use a mix of shrubs, flowers, and trees to frame your house. Consider a winding brick pathway leading to your front door, bordered by flower beds.

7. Experiment with Modern Accents

Modern accents like metal house numbers, sleek mailboxes, or contemporary outdoor furniture can provide a nice contrast to the traditional look of orange brick. These touches can update the appearance without overwhelming the classic style.

Modern Orange Brick Facade

Modern Orange Brick Facade

Rustic Orange Brick Cottage Charm

Rustic Orange Brick Cottage

Elegant Two-Story Orange Brick Home

Two Story Orange Brick Home

Cozy Orange Brick Patio with Pergola

Orange Brick Patio with Pergola

Victorian Style Orange Brick House

Victorian Orange Brick House

Stylish Orange Brick and Stucco Mix

Orange Brick and Stucco Combination

Mid-Century Modern Orange Brick Design

Mid Century Modern Orange Brick Home

Inviting Orange Brick Bungalow

Orange Brick Bungalow

Striking Orange Brick Fireplace Chimney

Orange Brick Fireplace Chimney

Welcoming Orange Brick Front Entrance

Orange Brick Front Entrance

Industrial Orange Brick Loft Appeal

Industrial Orange Brick Loft

Relaxing Orange Brick Pool House

Orange Brick Pool House

Traditional Home with Orange Brick and Columns

Traditional Orange Brick Home with Columns

Serene Orange Brick Courtyard Oasis

Orange Brick Courtyard

Spacious Orange Brick Garage

Orange Brick Garage

Beautiful Orange Brick Garden Wall

Orange Brick Garden Wall

Vibrant Blue Door on Orange Brick House

Orange Brick House with Blue Door

Charming Orange Brick Pathway

Orange Brick Pathway

Outdoor Kitchen with Orange Brick Charm

Orange Brick Outdoor Kitchen

Colonial Style Orange Brick Home

Orange Brick Colonial Home

Modern Orange Brick and Wood Exterior

Orange Brick and Wood Combination

Orange Brick House with Scenic Balcony

Orange Brick House with Balcony

Decorative Orange Brick Fence

Orange Brick Fence

Grand Orange Brick Entryway Arch

Orange Brick Entryway Arch

Eco-Friendly Orange Brick House

Orange Brick House with Solar Panels

Rustic Orange Brick Barn

Orange Brick Barn

Orange Brick House with Classic White Trim

Orange Brick House with White Trim

Outdoor Living with Orange Brick Fireplace

Orange Brick Outdoor Fireplace

Stylish Orange Brick Townhouse

Orange Brick Townhouse

Large Porch on Orange Brick House

Orange Brick House with Large Porch

Charming Orange Brick Garden Shed

Orange Brick Garden Shed

Elegant Orange Brick Pillars

Orange Brick Pillars

Rustic and Modern Orange Brick and Stone Mix

Orange Brick and Stone Combination