Counter-Depth Fridge Dimensions (with Drawings)

A counter-depth refrigerator is exactly as it is described; a refrigerator that is the same depth as a countertop. You have probably noticed that most standard refrigerators stand out slightly from the kitchen countertops and base cabinets, making the refrigerator something of an eyesore in the room.

If you are looking for a sleek and built-in look in your kitchen, then a counter-depth refrigerator is going to do a much better job at blending in compared to a standard-sized refrigerator. That being said, not all counter-depth fridges have the same dimensions. Here we will look at the possible size options when choosing from counter-depth refrigerators.

Find the diagram below with specific common sizes for counter-depth fridges.

Counter Depth Fridge Dimensions

Depth Dimensions

A standard refrigerator will have a depth measurement of between 30 and 36 inches, which is pretty bulky considering standard kitchen base cabinets are only 24 inches deep. Most base cabinets will have a one-inch overhang of countertop, giving a typical total depth of 25 inches, meaning that a regular refrigerator can stick out from the countertop and base cabinets by as much as 9 inches.

If you want a kitchen that looks polished and modern, then a protruding refrigerator can really interfere with this. In this instance, it is worth looking into whether a counter-depth fridge will work for you instead. These will have depth dimensions of between 24 inches and 30 inches, making them a much better choice for fitting into a sleek and streamlined kitchen.

Counter-depth fridges will not stand out in the kitchen in a physical or aesthetic sense, as their size means they can blend in better. They will also free up some floor space which means the kitchen can look bigger without a huge fridge dominating the room.

Be aware that when a fridge lists its total dimensions, it does not usually include the handles. This means that a counter-depth fridge with a depth of 24 inches may actually measure 26 inches when you include the handle in the measurement. When you are measuring the space where you want your fridge to fit, remember that fridges will generally need to sit at least one inch off the wall.

Width Dimensions

Counter-depth fridges are significantly more shallow than standard fridges, and this might put people off who worry about not having enough storage space in their refrigerator. This is a valid concern as, ultimately, your fridge is not a lot of use if it doesn’t meet your practical needs; however, the manufacturers of counter-depth refrigerators have addressed this issue by making these fridges wider than usual. This results in both counter-depth fridges and standard fridges having a similar volume of storage space.

The width measurement of a counter-depth fridge will vary between manufacturers and models, but some common widths for these appliances are 32 inches and 36 inches, with some models even having width measurements as big as 48 inches.

Height Dimensions

Another way that counter-depth fridges can make up extra volume is by being taller than usual. Standard refrigerators typically have height measurements of between 62 and 72 inches, but many counter-depth fridges have extra-tall versions that come in heights of 72 to 80 inches.

This is a great way to make use of the extra height available in kitchens which ordinarily doesn’t get used and often ends up simply collecting dust. However, if you do not have high ceilings, counter-depth fridges also come in standard height sizes.

Counter-depth Fridge Capacity

The average volume of a counter-depth fridge, as a result of their extended width and height measurements, is around 22 cubic feet. This is similar to the average volume of a standard fridge, which is typically between 22 cubic feet and 30 cubic feet. As you can see, if capacity is your biggest concern, then a standard fridge is probably going to be able to contain more contents than a counter-depth fridge.

If you have a big family, or you like to prepare and store meals in advance, then you might find a counter-depth fridge does not have a big enough capacity to suit your needs. However, for smaller families, or for people who go grocery shopping often and therefore don’t need to store huge amounts of food, a counter-depth fridge might be perfectly adequate.

If you have your heart set on a counter-depth fridge in your kitchen to create a sleeker and more streamlined look but don’t think the capacity is going to be big enough for you, you could remedy this by having an extra fridge in your garage for items you don’t use daily.

Some people will keep an extra fridge in their garage or in their basement for keeping beers or other drinks in, while the kitchen fridge can be for items you need to grab often, such as yogurts, milk, butter, and salad. The other option, if you have a kitchen that is big enough, is to have two counter-depth fridges to give you extra cool storage capacity.


You can expect a counter-depth fridge to cost more than a standard fridge, even though it will probably be smaller. This might seem odd, given that smaller items are usually less expensive than larger items. For example, a twin mattress will cost less than a queen mattress, or a low capacity washing machine will cost less than a high capacity washing machine with a bigger drum.

However, when it comes to counter-depth fridges, you are paying a premium for the fact that this appliance is more compact and therefore is more desirable in a modern kitchen. Think carefully about how a counter-depth fridge is going to affect the look of your kitchen, the way you use your kitchen, and also your bank balance. Essentially you can end up paying more money for a fridge that isn’t going to hold as much food and drink as a less expensive fridge.

If you need a lot of storage space in your fridge, you will need to consider whether your priority is having a sleek kitchen or a fridge that will fit all of your grocery shopping in.